Sermon about Evangelism

Sermon by Ps.Kommu Sudhakar(8 May, 2020)

Today I am going to talk about two greatly misunderstood topics. Grace and Evangelism. The bible says:
Psa 127:2 It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.
This is one of the best pictures of grace. Rest or sleep. There are one of two ways we can be living our lives either in toil and sorrow, or in rest and contentment. The bible says we are saved by grace, grace in biblical terms is God 100% forgives all our weakness so we can have relationship with him. This relationship enables us to share in God’s nature and abilities. Grace or his unconditional forgiveness should give us peace, we no longer need to fear that we are not doing enough to please God, God is already pleased with us. But what happens to many Christians is they start to feel burdened by responsibility, one of these areas is evangelism, i.e. “What if I don’t share about God enough”, to make matters worse the devil comes along and says “People will go to hell if you don’t act right now, you are deserving of hell yourself for this act”. What many young Christians do not know is that they are not actually responsible for saving people from hell that is God’s job, for which he will at times use us. I was not saved by a preacher I was saved by a dream about hell that was sent by God. If you doubt God saves people himself read the following story of a man who was an atheist as he was dying with no one around him God spoke to him and shared the gospel with him, he was born again without anyone being around him. See his Near Death Experience (NDE) This should liberate you, you no longer need to feel unworthy for not sharing the gospel to every person you meet on the street. I actually share the gospel a lot but I don’t do it out of fear or duty, thinking I might go to hell if I don’t, I share it because I love what God does. I love the fact he has performed signs and wonders through me, I love the fact that he wants us blessed, I love the fact that he loves us. Think about the verse I mentioned at the start of this dialog, there are two ways to be living, in fear or sorrow, or in rest. A rested evangelist has far more to share than one who is fearful of God. If you can build your love relationship with God based upon grace you will naturally want to share about how good God is, but if you build it upon fear you will be a slave to God and hate him. Accept grace, and let others know they can have rest too.


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