
Showing posts from May, 2021

Daily Promise

Subscribe our YouTube Channel: Kommu Dayakar


Subscribe our YouTube Channel: Kommu Dayakar

You are loved, even on your darkest days.

Message by Pastor G.Williams You are loved, even on your darkest days. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” — John 3:16 (NIV) God loves you so much. He loves you enough to give His Son for you, to watch His Son die for you, to put the sins of the world on His back for you.  That is incredible love. Some days you may feel undeserving, blemished, bruised. But God doesn’t see you that way. He sees how you haven’t measured up, He sees the sin you carry and commit, but more importantly, He sees forgiveness. He sees you as His son or daughter. He sees you as His creation, and there is nothing you can do to remove that beautiful image from His mind. On your darkest days, remember that He is with you. Remember that He loves you. Remember that He will never forsake you. Remember that His Son died for you, and all you need to do is repent and believe in Jesus and the forgiveness of sins. Then be clean

Daily Promise


Prayer for Coronavirus


Sunday Service


Daily Promise


Daily Promise


Daily Promise

Subscribe our YouTube Channel: Kommu Dayakar

You can find strength in His name

Message by Pastor K.Sudhakar You can find strength in His name. “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” — Philippians 4:13 (NIV) There will be moments when your faith falters, when you’re lonely or exhausted or just plain sad. There will be moments where grief grabs ahold of you and crumbles you to the ground, where all that you’ve believed feels empty, and when each breath feels like a chore. But in these moments, you will find redemption and power in His name. In these moments, if you choose to follow Him, He will guide you away from the heartbreak, the loneliness, the death, the loss, the toughest moments of your life, and back into His arms. God’s word and love will give you  strength , even when you feel empty. So trust Him. Give Him control. Give Him your fears and anxieties and aches. Give Him all of you, and allow Him to work His beauty and grace into your life. Let Him remind you are—a child of God. Subscribe our YouTube Channel: Kommu Dayakar

God is with you, wherever you wander

  Message by Pastor K.Sudhakar God is with you, wherever you wander . “Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” — Romans 8:39 (NIV) Sometimes we get caught up in our sin. We all have moments where our mistakes take control, where our hearts are weighed down with heaviness, when we feel so far away from God. But here’s the thing: God sees all of that. He sees our mess, our brokenness, our guilt.  And He loves us anyway. There is no where we can go to hide from His love. There is no point in our lives where He sees us as undeserving or unworthy of love. There is nothing we can do to separate ourselves from Him. So even when you feel like you’ve gone so far from His grace, know that He hasn’t left your side. Know that all you need is to ask for forgiveness, to clean your heart, and to trust in Him to lead you out of temptation and back into healing and light.

Daily Promise


Lord I Come, I confess, bowing here I find my Rest

 TRUTH GOSPEL PRAYER WARRIORS Vision and Mission : The command of Jesus was to “Make disciples” (Matthew 28:19) and I hope this website goes some way toward helping new believers become disciples. Let us know your prayer requests| WhatsApp your name and prayer request to 9866097314  If you want to receive more updates about our online services, leave a WhatsApp message with your name on 9866097314 Our Social Media Links: Follow us on Facebook Subscribe our YouTube Channel Subscribe at our Website

Special Prayers for Our Nation  

Special Prayers For Our Nation

Special Prayers For Our Nation

Revival Worship

Revival Worship

Revival Worship YouTube