
Showing posts from April, 2020

Sermon about Prayer

Sermon by Ps.Kommu Sudhakar (1 May, 2020) Ships are designed with an axe like front to cut through the waves. If a ship had a flat front it would sail slower, and more effort would be required to push the ship forward. This design works because it obeys the laws of physics. In the natural world God has made laws that govern the lives of men. If we are wise we will learn these laws. We will learn what God wants, and how he has decreed success. Ecc 10:10 If someone's ax is blunt—the edge isn't sharpened—then more strength will be needed. Putting wisdom to work will bring success. Through prayer God has promised to answer, his reason being that we should have joy. God wants us happy and if we can learn his heart we will know we can involve him in the small as well as big things in life.

Sermon about God Plans

Sermon by Ps.Kommu Sudhakar(30 April, 2020) We are like a pencil in the hand of God. He is writing out a beautiful plan for his world, using us as an instrument. The problem with pencils is they need to be sharpened and if the lead inside them is broken they become unusable and brittle. The devil hates God, hates his creation, and wants to destroy every thing good and noble, he knows if he can keep us broken on the inside, we will be of no use to our children, our partners, or our world. God on the other hand has a great love for each of us, and longs for communion to be restored with us. He wants our internal life to be strong, vibrant, and prosperous, he wants to tell you, “you can do it”, “you can make it”, and “I love what you do”.  Do you feel tired, worn out, or burnt out, come to the one who offers living water and drink in his love. Psalm.31:24 Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.

Sermon about Salvation

Sermon about Salvation by Ps.Kommu Sudhakar(29 April,2020) I often go to my local video shop and rent a DVD, usually an overnighter. If you rent The Hobbit, you can watch the movie and enjoy it, but you only have a single night to enjoy the feature film. If you don’t return the video you will get a late fee. The same is true of life, God has given us one life, it is like a short rental. Within that one day he has allowed us to share in the blessings of heaven on earth. However the day will come when we all have to die. If we don’t pay the full price for that video we can no longer enjoy its benefits, not only that we will have to pay a late fee. The late fee for not paying for life is hell, the bible calls it “eternal fire”, “torment”, “outer darkness”, “uninhabitable”, the late fee for our life is horrific, worse than any horror film you may have watched. But the good news is there is someone who has paid the price for our life so we can continue to receive its benefits. God says

Sermon about Sin

Sermon by Ps.Kommu Sudhakar(28 April, 2020) In order to catch a fish requires some skill the knowledge of the right bait, knowing the movements of your quarry. Satan is a master fisherman, he is always looking for the best ways to cause us harm and catch us on his hook. He takes our normal needs and wants but adds to it a hidden curse, a hidden hook with which he can take control of our lives and direct us toward destruction. When God blesses us the bible says there is no hidden sorrow. Pro 10:22 The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. Do not be led by your natural senses, your desires for the best, desires for what others have, feelings and wants. Pray about every choice you are considering, ask God to reveal to you any hidden hooks, because it is by your own desires that you will become ensnared, by the things you want and need. Gal 5:16 I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

Ae Patidaananayya Song by Sis.G.Kalyani


Ae patidananayya Telugu Song by Sis.G.Kalyani

Sermon about Faith

Sermon by Ps.Kommu Sudhakar ( 27 April, 2020 ) Today we are going to talk about one of the benefits of faith in God’s abilities. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Notice that faith is related to hope. When we have faith we believe that God is going to answer us even when we don’t yet see the result of our prayer. Faith in this way is related to Joy, we can have joy at all times because even if we don’t yet see God’s provision, or we don’t yet see the answer to our prayer we believe that we will have the answer soon. This belief keeps us sound, and keeps us in a state of praise. Believe God and you will have joy. Look at your circumstance as unbeatable and you will lose hope.